Islamic Takeover Of The US: City By City Via “The (Brotherhood Mafia’s) Plan” & Aided By HUSSEIN Obama. Via Adina Kutnicki.

Via Adina Kutnicki

Islam has been at war with non-Muslims since it was dreamed up by a murdering, lying mad man named Muhammad 1400 years ago. It has been at war with the west for centuries but thus far has always been repelled. We are now in an age where a dumbed down western population has empowered liberal, politically correct intellectuals apologize for the murderous actions of Muslims against the western world. They have invited Muslims into western countries and now we are seeing the results of their actions. Western leaders see Islam as a great religion and not as a dangerous evil cult of intimidation, subjugation, death and destruction. They refuse to accept the fact that we are at war not with a minority of radical Muslims but at war with Islam. A war declared upon us by Muslims in the name of Allah. The most moderate friendly Muslim once Islam reaches the critical percentage of a nations population becomes no different than the Muslim that beheads the non-Muslim. It is time for the citizens of western nations to throw their PC leaders out and stand united against Islam. There are only 3 choices. Stand against Islam, submit or die. The time to stand is not at some point in the future, it is now. WTFU!

Islamic Takeover Of The US: City By City Via “The (Brotherhood Mafia’s) Plan” & Aided By HUSSEIN Obama. The Proofs. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


IF the recent militant Islamic jihad in Brussels – on the heels of Paris – proves anything, it demonstrates that the train wreck which has engulfed Europe – mainly, due to its psychotic submission to multiculturalism – is what awaits America, if not IMMEDIATELY halted in its tracks. Most disturbingly, it is not as if some of us haven’t been ringing the highest decibel alarms imaginable, but the chattering classes preferred to prop up the deals made by the politicians with Arab/Muslim Islamist leaders to the detriment of the safety of their respective nation-states.

MORE specifically, in March 2014, this site noted in America On The Precipice, Eurabia’s Fate Sealed:

WHILE PC multi-culti fanatics, ala a psychotic need to appear “enlightened”, will never admit they are committing western cultural suicide, they are incontrovertibly wrong. Fatally so.

In a paradox of Orwellian proportion, yesteryear’s oh so urbane Euro set are now facing the most retrograde, non-enlightened, fanatical and deadly political/religious-cloaked force known to mankind:Shariah Law, the underpinning of Islam. NO amount of leftist spin will eradicate this fact.

As a matter of fact, soon after the Twin Towers fell (in tow with the rest of the jihadi damage accrued on 9/11/01), this American-Israeli pointed in the direction of Eurabia via the pioneering work of two seminal experts:Bat Ye’or and the late Oriana Fallaci. Both recognized what too few others did, and pointed out where the Euro-Arab collusion originated: Brussels:The New Capital of Eurabia. They understood where the sell-out was headed – a complete western betrayal. Its downfall.



NOT only that, it was obvious to anyone with eyes intact and a working brain that Eurabia was their first stop. The big prize, America, has always been the ultimate brass ring. Ditto Israel. Viewed as an American “outpost”, wedged within the heart of the Islamic beast, the Islamic cancer encircles the Jewish state virtually unabated.continue reading….

INCONTROVERTIBLY, preferring to pretend that the continuous onslaught against Israel by militant Islamic jihadis is a “just” response to whatever perceived “crimes” are committed by the Jewish State, anti-semitic Europe aggressively turns the screws on Israel, a tiny sea of sanity encircled by barbarians. Concomitantly, they reward, empower and encourage Allah’s Muslim Terrorists. So, in a way, they reap what they sow!


BUT not to get too bogged down in messy details, MASSIVE blow back is guaranteed within America, as HUSSEIN Obama and his gang expose the nation to untold horrors. 9/11/01 will pale in comparison. Yes, they have placed America in the DIRECT cross hairs of Islam’s militant jihadists. It has gotten so dire that an outspoken group of Europeans are warning: America, beware of civilizational jihad! 

EVEN so, as clear-eyed as a smattering of Euros are – while few and far between – the fact remains that this investigative journalist has been blowing the roof off “The Plan” for years, exposing their phase by phase, step by step blueprint for America’s destruction. And this is where the takeover of its cities come into play.

BEFORE we get to that, said phased plan was excerpted at Inquisitr (and elsewhere) in Oct. 2013: “The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Domination – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki.” 

Wolff Bachner: As the brains behind the Islamic supremacist movement, the Muslim Brotherhood exerts great influence over the movers and shakers in the Islamic world. They also are a powerful influence over the Muslim masses, as we have seen in Egypt since the rise and subsequent fall of Mohamed Morsi, who was a high ranking Muslim Brotherhood leader before he became President of Egypt.

The Brotherhood has openly stated they intend to fill the streets with angry protesters on a daily basis and wage a Jihad against anyone who is opposed to Morsi until he is restored to the Egyptian presidency. As a result, Egypt has become an armed camp, riots are a regular occurrence, and hundreds of protesters, police, and Egyptian soldiers have been killed.

The Brotherhood has also turned their rage on Egypt’s 10 million Coptic Christians, who strongly supported the ouster of President Morsi. Hundreds of churches have been burned, thousands of Coptic homes and business have been looted and demolished, Coptic women and children raped, kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam and nuns and priests savagely beaten after their convents and monasteries were destroyed.

Out of the chaos, we learn that the Muslim Brotherhood has laid out in detail their specific goals for uniting the world under the banner of Islam and Sharia Law. The Brotherhood’s program has been referred to under the ominous sounding name of “The Plan.” What exactly is “The Plan?”

Adina Kutnicki: Indeed, let’s, as a first stop, hop aboard our Inquisitr journey with “The Plan”. At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint, one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall. “The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:

Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.

Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.

Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.

Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.

Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.

Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).

While each phase has many subsections and takes years to implement, the fact of the matter is that their goals have been ongoing for decades. They are rapidly, stealth-fully bearing fruit. Read more—>

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